Ma. Sujatha Di Pravas at Durgapur Anandalay

Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Paschimbanga Prant-Durgapur Branch,

On 1 September evening 5:30pm. Mananeey Sujatha Nayak (Prant Sangathak-Andhra and Telengana Prant) Pravas to Sanskar Varga & Anandalay. She Welcomes with Bengali tradition ,Total 158 audience were  present with the presence of Ma. Manoj Das-Prant sanghathak ,Ma. Pradeep kumar Jayaswal-Prant Vyavastha  pramukh.

She also Present a PARIVAR MILAN, arranged by Durgapur Nagar samiti with the presence of Ma. Manoj Das, Ma. Pradeep kumar Jayaswal ,Ma. Subir Ranjan Das-Saha Nagar sanchalak, Total 37 karyakartas were present.


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