
Showing posts from June, 2017

लोकनाथ नगर, कार्य स्थान में योगा दिवस मनाया गया।

21/06/2017 विवेकानंद केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, पश्चिम बंगाल प्रान्त की लोकनाथ नगर, कार्य स्थान में योगा दिवस मनाया गया। 1: बागुइआटी विस्तार की ओर से दो आयोजन किया। योग दिवस की पूर्व बेल...


On the occasion of international yoga day Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Paschim Banga prant Vive kanand Nagar conducted The Yoga at the following places firstly IIM Kolkata total participants 108 number of candidates 102 including director and dean along with staff cum student and number of karyakartas 6 director highlights the importance of yoga secondly at Marwari Balika Vidyalaya total participants 72 including teachers students and karyakartas number of students 60 teachers 7 karyakartas 5 thirdly Shri Jain shwetamber terapanthi Vidyalaya total participants 216 including 195 students 15 teachers and 6 karyakartas Trustee of the school Raijada Singh ji said yoga is a great opportunity to imbibe the value of discipline teacher in charge and other senior teachers are also present fourthly at Kendra Karyalaya total participant 15 The Yoga was conducted by Manish ji total participation of Vivekananda Nagar is around 405.

Madhusudan nagar today on 21st june 2017 observed international yoga day at four places

Vivekananda kendra Kanyakumari Paschim Banga Prant's Madhusudan nagar today on 21st june 2017 observed international yoga day at four places :- ➡ From 9.30 am at Indhira Gandhi Memorial High School Dumdum, Kolkata ➡ From 11am at Indira Gandhi Memorial School Barasat, Kolkata ➡ From 3pm at Michael Nagar siksha niketan, Michael nagar, Kolkata ➡ From 3pm at Chandpara , Mission tapoban, North 24 Parganas More than two thousand people in total participated in the event throughout the day.

Durgapur Nagar celebrated International Yoga Day on 21June .

Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Paschimbang Prant, Durgapur Nagar celebrated International Yoga Day on 21June . ✳ 8 to 9am. :  CMA Bhaban,The Costing Institution of India. No’s of participate are 35 Conducted by : Subrata Mondal. Team for Yoga:  Subrata Mondal,Tapas Pal, Swapan Samanta, Rohit Biswas ✳ 9to 10am. : Bani Bihar Primary School,Mamra Bazar No’s of participate are 95 Conducted by Sri Ruhidas  Ghosh. Team for yoga: Ruhidas Ghosh,Shivaji Ghosh,Bidyut Das, Suraj Pandey ✳ 10.30to 11:30am. : Ramkrishna Vivekananda Mission Fedaration,Uttarpally No’s of participate are 180 including 7 teacher Conducted By: Sri Subrata Mondal Team for yoga: Ruhidas Ghosh,Abhijit Biswas, Shivaji Ghosh, Samiran Karmakar,Subrata Mondal,Rohit Biswas,Rathindranath Dhali. ✳ 2:30 to 3:30pm. : Bidhannagar School, Bidhannagar ,Durgapur No's of Participants 185 including 10teachers. Conducted by Subrata Mondal Team For yoga: Subrata Mo...

Sthanik and Prant KPS

Vivekananda Kendra Paschimbanga Prant organise the Sthanik and Prant Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir from 3 to 9 June at Gayatri Ashram, Rajhat, Bandel. Total 46 Karyakartas are present on this camp.


INFORMATION FOR ALL KARYAKARTAS. Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Paschimbanga Prant will organise the 🌀 PRANT KARYAKARTA PRASHIKSHAN SHIBIR( from 3 to 9 June)                   AND 🌀STHANIK KARYAKARTA PRASHIKSHAN SHIBIR(from 3 to 7 June ) combined at Gayatri Ashram, Rajhat, Bandel. (From Bandel Railway station pick share Auto for Rajhat High School then go to the Gayatri Ashram by 5 minutes walk). Please confirm your presence in earliest by 1st June 2017 only to----- 🙏PRADEEP KU. JAYASWAL🙏          Vyavastha Pramukh      विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी               ...