Durgapur Nagar celebrated International Yoga Day on 21June .

Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Paschimbang Prant, Durgapur Nagar celebrated International Yoga Day on 21June .

✳ 8 to 9am. :  CMA Bhaban,The Costing Institution of India.
No’s of participate are 35
Conducted by : Subrata Mondal.
Team for Yoga:  Subrata Mondal,Tapas Pal, Swapan Samanta, Rohit Biswas

✳ 9to 10am. : Bani Bihar Primary School,Mamra Bazar
No’s of participate are 95
Conducted by Sri Ruhidas  Ghosh.
Team for yoga: Ruhidas Ghosh,Shivaji Ghosh,Bidyut Das, Suraj Pandey

✳ 10.30to 11:30am. : Ramkrishna Vivekananda Mission Fedaration,Uttarpally
No’s of participate are 180 including 7 teacher
Conducted By: Sri Subrata Mondal
Team for yoga: Ruhidas Ghosh,Abhijit Biswas, Shivaji Ghosh, Samiran Karmakar,Subrata Mondal,Rohit Biswas,Rathindranath Dhali.

✳ 2:30 to 3:30pm. : Bidhannagar School, Bidhannagar ,Durgapur
No's of Participants 185 including 10teachers.
Conducted by Subrata Mondal
Team For yoga: Subrata Mondal,Shivaji Ghosh,Bidyut Das,Bishal Mondal,Rathindranath Dhali .
✳ 5.30 to 6.30 pm : Sri Sri Harichand Thakur Mandir , Ganatantra Colony.
No of participants 65 .
Conducted By : Subrata Mondal
Team of Yoga: Ruhidas Ghosh,Abhijit Biswas,Samiran Karmakar,Shivaji Ghosh,Raja Halder,Bidyut Das


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