On the occasion of international yoga day Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari Paschim Banga prant Vivekanand Nagar conducted The Yoga at the following places firstly IIM Kolkata total participants 108 number of candidates 102 including director and dean along with staff cum student and number of karyakartas 6 director highlights the importance of yoga secondly at Marwari Balika Vidyalaya total participants 72 including teachers students and karyakartas number of students 60 teachers 7 karyakartas 5 thirdly Shri Jain shwetamber terapanthi Vidyalaya total participants 216 including 195 students 15 teachers and 6 karyakartas Trustee of the school Raijada Singh ji said yoga is a great opportunity to imbibe the value of discipline teacher in charge and other senior teachers are also present fourthly at Kendra Karyalaya total participant 15 The Yoga was conducted by Manish ji total participation of Vivekananda Nagar is around 405.


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